Working with customers who are “just looking”

Research shows that only about 20 percent of shoppers will tell you what they’re looking for right away, according to Richard Fenton, of Accelerated Performance Training, a professional speaker and trainer specializing in the retail industry.

The rest know what they want but won’t say what it is because they’re afraid they’ll be pressured into buying something by a pushy salesperson. “I’m just looking” is their first line of defense — and it usually works.

“Just looking” doesn’t have to clam up your salespeople. The best way to get customers to lower their defenses, says Fenton, is to help them relax. He suggests a three-step response:

  1. React positively, with energy and excitement. When customers say they’re “just looking,” say, “That’s great! We’re delighted to have you here today!” or something similar.
  2. Immediately ask a non-threatening questionthat keeps the customer engaged but not pressured. The best question is usually, “Have you shopped with us before?” If the answer is yes, mention what’s new or on sale. If the answer is no, give a quick overview of who you are and what you sell.
  3. Offer assistance:“What can I do to get you started?” At this point, many customers who initially pushed you away will now feel at ease enough to say, “As a matter of fact, can you show me where to find…?”

Winning the customer’s confidence through a few simple questions will help your salespeople turn “lookers” into buyers.