
Planning for success

Plan ahead to create a smooth transition to new owners to ensure a positive future for your business, especially when passing it down to children or other family members.

A well-laid succession plan will minimize family conflict and position your business to weather the transition successfully.

Michigan Retailers endorse Atty. Gen. Schuette

LANSING – Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) today announced the endorsement of Attorney General Bill Schuette for re-election.

The endorsement by the MRA Board of Directors was unanimous.

“Attorney General Schuette is an experienced and fair-minded regulator who has earned a second term,” said MRA President and CEO James P.

Michigan retail sales climb again in July

LANSING – Michigan’s retail industry posted strong sales numbers in July for the second month in a row, and forecasts for the end of summer and beginning of fall also rose,

Michigan Retailers announces promotions, hiring

LANSING – Michigan Retailers Association has announced the promotions of three staff members and the addition of one new employee at its downtown Lansing headquarters.

• William J.

How to improve store lighting

Light is a powerful tool for attracting customers to your store. A few key principles can help you use it effectively.

  • Focus on increasing the light on the merchandise,

Put your processing data to work for you

Until recently, the fees associated with your merchant processing account were a cost of doing business.

Most retail businesses in the U.S. today view the fees charged by their merchant processor as a “necessary evil” as more consumers migrate their transactions from cash and check to various cards– rewards,

Michigan retail sales climb in June 1

LANSING – Michigan’s retail industry rang up its best sales performance in more than three years during June, according to the Michigan Retail Index, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Playing music in your store

According to federal copyright law, you must obtain permission for the right to play copyrighted music. This applies to businesses which use live music, as well as those that use recorded music played over a radio,

Michigan Retailers Joins Store Owners Across State to Introduce Buy Nearby Guy

‘Buy Nearby’ Campaign and Mascot Remind Residents to Shop in Michigan

Lansing, Mich. – Michigan Retailers Association’s “Buy Nearby” campaign today introduced its new mascot and released new economic data underscoring the important benefits of shopping in Michigan.