Shop local, enter coloring contest, visit and support participating retailers
Across the state, Michigan businesses will join the Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) this weekend in celebration of Buy Nearby Weekend.
Buy Nearby is an annual campaign promoted by the MRA, with a focus on keeping Michigan’s Main Streets healthy and thriving. 2023 marks the 10-year anniversary since the campaign launched in 2013. For a location near you, visit the Participating MRA Members Map.
According to a 2023 economic study by Public Sector Consultants, Michiganders spent an estimated $33.8 billion in out-of-state ecommerce last year. If just one in 10 purchases were redirected to a Michigan store, our economy would get a $2.4 billion boost and add more than 17,000 jobs.
“It pays to Buy Nearby,” said MRA President and CEO Bill Hallan. “When you Keep Your Money in Michigan©, you’re directly impacting our economy, as well as your family and friends employed in your local downtowns and helping your community stay strong.”
Coloring Contest
MRA is hosting a coloring contest during Buy Nearby Weekend, inviting all ages to participate.
You can enter by submitting a colored page of Buy Nearby Guy and his cake to buynearbymi@retailers.com, with the completed information:
- Name, Age
- Contact information: Email or Phone Number
Following Buy Nearby Weekend, on Oct. 9, public voting on the images will take place on social media and by MRA member eNews. The contest will be broken down by age-range:
- Ages 0-3, Ages 4-6, Ages 7-9, Ages 10-12, Ages 13 and up
The images with the most votes in each category will win a spot in the December 2023/January 2024 issue of the Michigan Retailer magazine.
Michigan’s retail industry accounts for more than 114,000 establishments and employs over 831,000 workers, the 2023 Public Sector Consultants study noted. Additional information is available at buynearbymi.com.