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In her own words: Michigan Barn Wood & Salvage

Four years ago, Trevor and Kendra Patterson were selling lumber out of their 3,000-square-foot pole barn on the outskirts of Leslie and Mason. The business grew so quickly, they expanded to a 27,000-square-foot space in downtown Mason in the early summer of 2017.

In his own words: Pinconning Cheese Co. and Fudge Shoppe

Stationed in “The Cheese Capital of Michigan,” Pinconning Cheese Co. and Fudge Shoppe continues the tradition of making old-fashioned, Pinconning Cheese using the same formula Dan Horn created in 1915.

Ed Rehmann & Sons named Centennial Retailer

Chesaning’s landmark business one of Carhartt’s oldest accounts

One hundred years ago, Ed Rehmann and wife, Eva, began a clothing business in downtown Chesaning, a small,